Monday, October 24, 2011

A Little Like Mom...

I've always had a tremendous amount of respect for my Mom. She took care of her sick husband, always had a hot, home cooked meal on the table, had six happy kids, and at times work 3 jobs. I don't know how she did it, but she did. These past few weeks have been very crazy. It started when Spencer had a trip to NYC for work. I'm still getting adjusted to 3 kids, so not having Spencer home was challenging. Last Wednesday Spencer had shoulder surgery. I have added nurse to my daily duties, the first couple nights I would get up to give him his meds, fill up his ice machine, help him get dressed, floss his teeth and more. Thankfully he can go to the bathroom by himself just fine! Unfortunately Spencer can't hold Cy for a while, so I've had to do pretty much everything on my own. After just two week of taking care of every thing I'm a little worn out. I can't imagine what my Mom must have felt after years, not to mention the fact that I don't have to provide for my family too. Much respect Mom, not many Women could do it!!! 

It hasn't been all work and no play, we've managed to fit in some fun time.

 Cy is not a fussy baby, even during tummy time. I like to call Cy "The Model Baby". because he is the model baby, for about 3 weeks now he's been sleeping through the night, I couldn't ask for a better baby!!!

 JJ's soccer season has ended, he finished the season strong. He scored 4 points in his last two games. JJ loves soccer! It's fun to watch him too!

The big kids and I had a chance to go on a little date while Cy hung out with Dad. First we went to Mulligans for mini golf (Eva was not such a fan, we need to work on her form too). Then we went to a pumpkin patch. The kids had so much fun! It was great for me to have some quality time with them!

 On Oct 16th we headed up Little Cottonwood Canyon to see the fall leaves. It was AMAZING!!! We had such a good time. Took tons of pictures, these were just a few of my favorites.

 The day of Spencer's surgery. The kiddos had fun wrestling and such, something they wont get to do in a long time. When we picked Dad up at the hospital JJ was so sweet, he was very worried. He has been a great help!

 Thursday and Friday was UEA, so the kids didn't have school. We went to the Zoo on Thursday, and the Scarecrow Festival on Friday. We had a lot of fun! It was nice to be outside, and enjoy what is left of Fall.

 My Mom bought these hand cuffs for JJ, I went to check on the kids. I laughed when I saw that he was asleep with these on. Spencer turned on the light so I could get a picture. Silly Boy! The next morning I heard JJ explain to Eva that when people are in space they have to be strapped down, so they don't float while they are sleeping. Maybe that was the idea?

JJ has been talking about Homonyms in school. He's constantly thinking about it, and he'll tell me any one he can think of. Eva one day says to me, "Mom, you have that soap in your bathroom, and I have the same soap in my bathroom, that's a homonym!" She was so proud of herself! The kids just make me laugh!!!

The cousin's at our annual Halloween/Birthday party. Fun, Fun, Fun!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy...

That pretty much sums up my life at the moment. With one kiddo in Kindergarten, one in preschool, and a 2 month old I'm still trying to find out how to get things done, and how to keep a balance, I feel like I'm constantly on the go. 
Here are some pictures of our everyday...
I so don't like posting pictures of myself, especially with my glasses without any make-up, but this is how I look in the morning. Truthfully I look this way 80% of the time. By the time I get kids to school, get cleaning done, or get a work out in, I turn around and it's time to make dinner, and I realize that I'm not getting a shower until 8:00. Yep, that's a typical day.

Eva is the messiest eater, and she is constantly spilling milk. This time is was just on her face, and not on the floor!

Smiley Cy! Cy just loves when you talk to him, and you'll certainly be rewarded with a gigantic smile! He's also started laughing too! He is such a cutie!

Eva loves doing whatever Mom does, one day after her bath I wrapped her hair in a towel, like I do, she thought it was the neatest thing in the world!

For girls night out we went to dinner and a movie. At dinner my sister Kelly said she had a surprise for us, the surprise was Ms. Jenner Jo. Jenner is the closest thing I had to a little sister. My Mom tended Jenner and her twinner sisters. Crazy thing is she is a teacher now, and happens to teach Kelly's daughter Kirsten, small world.

Cy is one lucky dude! He has the best brother and sister. You know they love him to death when in the morning I say good morning, and I don't get so much as a hello, until they've talked to their brother!

In our house we have a "No Shoes in the house" rule. Some how Eva thinks it doesn't apply when she's wearing Mom's.

Another self portrait.

Cy looking "Comfy as a Womfy". I don't know exactly where that term came from, but that's what we say when someone is all snugly- "Comfy as a Womfy!"

The whole fam went to the Circus. We had fun, my favorite part was watching JJ giggle at the clowns!

 Cy on his blessing day. I realized as I was changing him that I hadn't gotten any pictures, so I took a few. Wish I had gotten one with the whole fam. It was a nice day, we are so lucky to have so many family and friends that were there to support us!

Chillin at Gardner Village

We have not been to Lagoon in several years, we decided to surprise the kids. They had so much fun! 

JJ got his Halloween costume this week, he wanted to be an Army guy. I love that he thinks he's invisible when he's wearing his costume. I actually have to be careful not to notice him too quickly or he gets sad. I love that he has a great imagination. I also love that he plays in his costumes, they definitely get use out of them!

I realized I hadn't taken any close ups of Cy's cute little parts. Got to love those little feet! I had to capture them before he gets too big. Last week I took him in for his two month appointment, he weighed 14 pounds 5 ounces, and he is 24 inches!!! He is a healthy dude, which I think helps him get a good night sleep. He usually sleeps from 10-5, bless his heart!!! With that said it's almost midnight, so I will be heading to bed!