Monday, June 22, 2009


So it's been a while since I last posted. We have been very busy. JJ had swimming lessons, and now he's in T-ball. Spencer just got back from Havasupai, so his absence made my life crazy busy. We are so glad that he is back. He got back last night (Father's Day), we picked him up from the airport, and JJ was wearing his I love Dad jammies with his monster rain boots, he looked so cool! Eva has been keeping me busy too, she goes everywhere. I am constantly shutting the bathroom door, JJ will use the bathroom and leaves the door open, there comes Eva. A couple weeks ago she climbed into the bathtub, Aaahhh! She loves being on her feet, we think she'll be walking by her birthday. Now that's a scary thought- her birthday, where has the year gone?


Steph said...

Awesome pictures! A lot of them made me laugh. Love the TBall one with that HUGE helmet. HA HA

Your kids are so darling! BUT I don't think I need to tell you that, cause you already know. Sure loved seeing you last week.
Love you!

Grandma Tii said...

darling pictures. I can't believe JJ is old enough to play T-ball....that is crazy. All is well in Russia.