Thursday, August 6, 2009

Family Time

Well, we've been busy, but we've managed to have a lot of family time. The kids and I went bowling with the cousins a few weeks ago, that was fun! On the 24th we went to the Buttlerville Days, we went to the parade, fireworks, and JJ got to play on all the fun bouncy things. I love Buttlerville days, there is a real "small town" feel to it, it reminds me of my childhood.
Since then we've been on two hikes, the Rocky Mountain Trail which takes you to a neat little waterfall. One evening we hopped on the Lake Bonneville shoreline trail, it's great because we walked to it from our house.
We also went the the Oquirrh Hills Temple open house with all the Grandmas and Grandpas, we had a good time!
Last Thursday we left for California. We went to Disneyland, Zuma Beach, and Newport Beach. The weather was awesome, and we had a great time. Well, maybe except Eva, she didn't like the beach, she sat there with her arms up in disgust. Eva also got a virus, and had a fever Monday-Wednesday. She seems a lot better today. Last night Spencer and I went out for an early anniversary celebration. Spencer leaves tomorrow for Peru. He will be doing humanitarian work. We will miss him! Aug 11th will be our 8th anniversary, Happy Anniversary!!!

1 comment:

Molly said...

Looks like you have had a fun family time and vacation. Don't you love Disneyland? Our girls loved going. Is that your new house in the post below - looks nice! Hope all is well - how long will Spencer be gone?