Saturday, December 15, 2012

Welcome Ana!!!

Sweet Baby Ana was born Nov 19 2012. She weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches. It's hard to believe that she is almost 4 weeks old. 
I was scheduled to be induced on the 19th, until I got a call that there were too many c-sections scheduled that day. I was so ready, so when they canceled on me I was an emotional wreck! Well I started labor on Sunday night, Monday morning I called nurse and asked if we could get this show on the road. Thankfully she told me to go to the hospital, and after about 20 hours of labor (my shortest) little Ana was born. 
Ana is so sweet! She is a good sleeper, when she's not sleeping, she wants to eat or be held. We just love her to pieces, and we are so thankful she is healthy!
JJ has been a big help in keeping Cy happy. Eva is looking forward to playing girly things with Ana. Cy has really been gentle with her, at first he called her kitty, and would lay down next to her, and put his arm around her, like he does to Lindsey (our cat). Ana has been called Lindsey a time or two, but I'm not going to say by who. 
Welcome Baby Ana, we love you!!!

1 comment:

beckypratt00 said...

4 adorable kids in 7 yrs. WAY TO GO! I love you so much Holli! Thank you for being in our family!