Friday, November 20, 2009

The cute things they say...

JJ is good at memorization. I can read a book to him twice and he'll have memorized several lines. His latest and greatest is from a Spider man book (of course), but the funny part is that he recites it in his prayers. It goes: "Dear Heavenly Father thank you for this day. Please bless our family. Bless that with great power comes great responsiblity, being Spiderman is an important job, and nothing can get in his way. Please bless our food. In the name... Grandma and Grandpa got to hear it last Saturday, they got a real kick out of it! Sunday was the primary program. He said, "All of you are children of the most high." He did it all by himself, he said it loud and clear, we were really proud of him!
We recently started doing reading lessons with him. The other day I was stopped in traffic and he said to me, "Mom, I just read east." Wow, I was amazed, it's paying off. He is by no means reading all his story books, but he is learning to sound words out. We are using the book Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons by: Siegfried Engelmann. I would totally reccomend it! My sister did it with her kids, and they were all reading before Kindergarten.

Eva has become quite the busy body, and chatter box. She is a hand full! Sometimes she drives me crazy, lucky for her she is so charming! One cheesy smile an all is well. Everyday she'll run to the cubard get a cup and then runs to the fridge saying wa wa (water). I was thinking today when she did that how big she is getting. I've been trying to keep a list of the words she says right now, there are over 30 words, and counting. I swear she picks up on a new word every day.

I love my kiddos! They make life so much fun!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

JJ is very cute... It is amazing that little kids learn so quick. Have you ever heard of the website I love it! My girls love playing on it and they don't even realize they are learning at the same time.