Sunday, January 31, 2010


So I'm not a New Years Resolution kind of gal. Every year the gym is super busy throughout January, then attendance drops off. By the end of 2009 there were usually only one or two other people at the gym, right now there are 6-8. That's why I don't like to get wrapped up in the resolution thing. Fitness is a life time goal. Not to say that I haven't had my moments, I have a hard time working out when I'm pregnant, and I get sick now and then, not to mention my hiatus when we moved. The point of all this? Well I joined the Snap Fitness Challenge, it is only a month long deal, but that is one of my goals. Besides this challenge I want to lose another 15 lbs. this year.
Now my other goal I started last Sunday, so it's super new, but I'm really enjoying it. A blog that I follow is Becky Higgins is a scrap booker that I have followed for years. She has a product called project life, basically it's about documenting each day of the year and focusing on a Picture of the Day- POTD. My goal is to post weekly my POTD. Over time I have gotten lously at taking pictures, so that's why I set this goal, so that I will take pictures everyday. This one seems so easy, but for some reason or other there are days when I forget to get the camera out.
Here are the pictures form this week...
Getting ready for church on Sunday. Dress on, pajama bottoms still on, and the girl who loves shoes. 
Got Toothbrush? Eva always does. 
Lookin thru Legos. JJ didn't want me to take a picture, so I snuck the camera on him thru the window- I thought it turned out pretty cool! 
Hey Gramps!

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