Monday, November 3, 2008

They all fall down!!!

We don't have a single tree in our backyard, however you wouldn't know that by the amount of leaves we get in our backyard. I hate cleaning up the leaves. But every fall I have to remind myself what a blessing they are. Our backyard is pleasant, even on the hottest days of summer, because of the abundance of shade. Not to mention what the trees do for the environment. This year was exciting because JJ enjoyed helping rake the leaves. It was fun to see him play in the leaves, despite the mess it made.

For Halloween we went trick or treating with cousin Lily. The kids had so much fun, I think the best part for them was yelling Trick or Treat.

1 comment:

The Pratts said...

oh my gosh - they are so cute in their little costumes!

We have the same issue with leaves in our back yard - our neighbors tree loves to shed in our yard - Emma loves it though.

Happy November!