Saturday, January 10, 2009

Some fun

Since I last posted we've had some notable events, Spencer's Birthday, Grandma Rosie's wedding, oh and the Utes won the Sugar Bowl!!! All of the Pratt's got together for the Sugar Bowl, my brother and his family came too. We had a blast, we were so excited with the win, neither Spencer or I got to sleep til after 2:00. Crazy I know. I spent tons of time this week reading the Twilight series- I think it took me 10 days to read all four books. I swear reading is an addiction for me. That's why I'll be taking a break, so I can get my life back in order.

Tuesday was Spencer's birthday. That morning JJ and I woke up pretty sick. Because of my own stomach issues Spencer cleaned up the floor and I gave JJ a bath. As I was sitting there I came up with a song for Spencer (he makes up songs all the time).
Happy Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Dad
It is kinda sad
cause on your Birthday Dad
You got to clean up, clean up spew
So happy Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to you!

In the afternoon we went to the court house for his Grandma Rosemary's wedding to Bob, her boyfriend of more than twenty years. Way to go!!! It was fun to be there for the special occasion. Afterward we went to dinner and enjoyed hanging out with the fam. Later my Mom watched the kids so Spencer and I could go to a movie.

Between tuesday and thurday JJ threw up probably a dozen times. Yea! Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I watched a little boy just over a year old. Boy was I glad we arranged to have a babysitter Friday night. It was nice to get a break. We went to another movie- Yes Man! It was pretty funny.

Here are some pics from the wedding.

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