Monday, September 28, 2009

Everyday Moments

JJ has been into Spider Man for sometime now, he's always pretending to be Spider Man. Yesterday told me that he would be Spider man and Eva would be Batman. My Mom made JJ a cape, which he insisted Eva wear, because Spider man doesn't wear a cape. Turns out that Eva loved the cape. They were so cute running all over the house, JJ capturing all the bad guys, and Eva having fun casing after JJ. BTW- we picked up a Spider man costume for Halloween today. JJ's loving it!

Here Dad got in on the action.

Kris Kross 'll make ya Jump Jump!

and finally, Spencer will put the kids on top of the fridge, and we'll say, "I thought I told you not to get on the fridge." JJ loves it. When Spencer put Eva up there she thought it was great, but didn't get giggly until he tickled her toes.

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