Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stuck inside... again.

Last week was so beautiful, we spent everyday outside, and now we're stuck inside.
This was one of our indoor activities. It was fun to have him stamp with me, I was able to get a little scrapbooking done. I love blogging so when it comes time to scrapbook I can look at all the silly things the kids do. JJ has learned how to roll his eyes, it's hilarious. He says the craziest things, one day he said, "you've got to be kidding me." (that's exactly what I thought)
Eva got her first teeth last week, she got the two bottom front. As crazy as it seems, I'm looking forward to Monday- Eva is getting tubes. I'm praying that this will make her a happier baby. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

The Pratts said...

Emma got tubes about that age and they are still in. It really made a big difference for her to not always be fighting ear infections. It was a little annoying at first to worry about ear plugs in pools or even watching her ears while she was in the bath. But it was worth it. If you are worried about the surgery part, don't, it is so quick... We stayed with her until they wheeled her away, she did cry a very little when we left. We walked to the waiting room, sat down and talked for about 2 sentences when I remembered I wanted them to take her impressions for her custom ear plugs while she was under. I went up to the receptionist to let her know, she went back to let them know and came back to tell me she was already out and she was to take us back to be with her in recovery. It was crazy! Good luck and I hope it helps with whatever you need it to!